Multifamily Rentals: The Suburban Frontier

As an active investor in suburban markets throughout the past decade, RMR Residential has always sought to proactively identify demographic trends. And thanks to a forward-thinking strategy, RMR Residential is well-positioned to welcome people home beyond the city lights.

Ten years ago, as the nation’s economy was slowly climbing its way out of the Great Recession, the real estate industry was experiencing a shift of its own. Across the country, once-forgot- ten urban areas were experiencing an influx in residents as people of all ages flocked to the magnetism of urban amenities and lifestyle. While several of the industry’s top players followed the masses into the city, RMR Residential saw an opportunity in the void that was being left behind: the suburbs.

The draw of the suburb first gained momentum in the post-WWII era. At the time, these markets provided a luxury-like experience thanks to new methods in building that made homeownership a reality for the masses. Fast-forward 60 years and the quaint affordability of suburbia is once again a leading trend in real estate; and thanks to a forward-thinking strategy and a resistance toward the herd mentality, RMR Residential was well-positioned to welcome people home beyond the city lights.