Black Lives Matter
We know that we can do more. While we don’t know what that looks like today, we are committed first to listening to our black employees and customers and then working with them to build a better company and stronger communities that can lead us to the perfect Union that this country set out to become.

Black Lives Matter.
This should not need to be a rallying cry in America. Our friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family members should not have to demand that their lives matter. But since our founding as a nation, black lives have been silenced and sidelined, often violently.
Today, we find ourselves at a crossroads. We can finally do the hard work of acknowledging the sins of our past and present, uncovering how we each contribute to the challenges that confront us, and then together work on solutions to end it. Or we can again campaign to silence the cries for help. At RMR Residential, this is an easy choice to make.
RMR Residential is proudly diverse. Looking across our nearly 1000 employees, we are proud that we are represented by people of all races, genders, sexual orientations, and nationalities. But we also recognize that that is not enough. We want to be a company that never stops the work to be better. We know that as a housing provider in this nation, we play an important role in people’s lives; our customers literally live with us every day. Our daily interactions, the work that we do, and the policies we craft have lasting impacts on their lives, so we must be intentional about how our interactions, our work, and our policies affect black lives.
We know that we can do more. While we don’t know what that looks like today, we are committed first to listening to our black employees and customers and then working with them to build a better company and stronger communities that can lead us to the perfect Union that this country set out to become. We challenge all of our partners, vendors, employees, and customers to join us in this commitment – in acknowledging our responsibility as members of society and then actively looking for ways to be better.
Black lives depend on it.