Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month and the time to celebrate International Women’s Day, so we took the chance to recognize a few of our incredible female employees.


March is Women’s History Month and the time to celebrate International Women’s Day, so we took the chance to recognize a few of our incredible female employees. More specifically, we spent some time getting to know Parker and Alex, who are maintenance supervisors at two of our ARIUM multifamily properties. We talked about the barriers they’ve broken down to prosper in a male-dominated field, how their careers have developed, and any advice they have for other women pursuing a career in maintenance.

Parker, the Maintenance Supervisor at ARIUM Seaglass and ARIUM Surfside, has been in the maintenance field for five years, starting her career as a groundskeeper. Through hard work and constant studying (thanks to Google and YouTube), she demonstrated the skills necessary to be promoted to maintenance technician, where she continued to grow and learn everything she could about her field before being promoted to maintenance supervisor.

The ability to make a difference in the lives of residents is one of the most fulfilling parts of the job for Parker; plus, she gets the satisfaction of always leaving something better than she found it. Her daily schedule is unanticipated, fresh, and full of new adventure – there is never a dull moment, something Parker loves.

For other women entering the field, Parker recommends leaning in totally and figuring out what works for the team. Don’t try to fix something that isn’t broken (pun intended), and find a method that is suited to the worker and the situation.

“Believe in yourself and build your team in a way where they benefit from your presence, ensuring impact lasts in your absence.” Parker says as a final piece of advice. Being a leader means understanding your team and how everyone can grow, all while creating a maintenance system that creates a carefree experience for residents.

Alex, the maintenance supervisor at Harris Pond, began her career as an Army mechanic, then enrolled in a training program for apartment maintenance technicians. Six years later, Alex has worked her way up to a Maintenance Supervisor position. She credits her time as a supervisor in the Army for her organizational and leadership skills, and also recognizes the mentorship from her previous manager at ARIUM as being instrumental in her growth.

Within just two years at ARIUM, Alex was promoted and earned her Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Certified Pool & Spa Operator (CPO) certifications. She is a quick learner and loves overcoming challenges every day that help her work faster and smarter.

Her advice to other women interested in working in maintenance: “Stay competitive and stay motivated. Take every opportunity to learn more and be better skilled.”

We also spoke with Melanie, vice president – People, to get more insight and closing thoughts on how the culture at RMR Residential contributes to growth for employees across the board.

“The multifamily industry, in general, provides many entry-level opportunities. It’s a great industry to start your career or to switch gears and start a new career. At RMR Residential, we are thrilled for our team members to learn on the job, achieve certifications, earn promotions, and grow. Alex and Parker demonstrate so many of our core values. They look to learn and get better every day and they encourage their teams to do the same. As another woman leader at RMR Residential, I am proud to work alongside the two of them.”